Ambitious About Autism is the national charity for children and young people with autism. They provide education and employment services, raise awareness and understanding and campaign for change. Through Ambitious College, TreeHouse School and The Rise School, they offer specialist education and support. 

Their vision is a world where the ordinary is the everyday experience of children and young people with autism and their mission is to make the ordinary possible for children and young people with autism. 


St Mungo’s provides a bed and support to more than 3,150 people a night who are either homeless or at risk, and work to prevent homelessness, helping about 32,800 people a year. St. Mungo's believe no one should be homeless and that people can – and do – recover from the issues that create homelessness. They support men and women through more than 300 projects including emergency, hostel and supportive housing projects, advice services and specialist physical health, mental health, skills and work services. St. Mungo's aims to end homelessness and rebuild lives.


Bringing up children and raising a healthy, happy family is hard work at the best of times. When a child is born with or develops a terminal condition, the emotional and physical impact affects the whole family and can be overwhelming.   Right now across SE London, Kent and East Sussex there are almost 5,000 children living with a terminal condition and this is set to double in the next 10 -15 years. 

 Demelza Hospice Care for Children provides expert clinical care and emotional support to children with terminal conditions and their loved ones, so they can enjoy their time together as a family, for as long as they have. 

We know our care makes an enormous difference. Our team of nurses support families by passing on their knowledge to equip those closest to the child with the confidence and skills to manage their child’s symptoms and complex medical needs in the hospice and at home.  When time is short, our compassionate care help families make lasting memories, and, when the time comes, our nursing team draw upon their clinical expertise to make end of life care as bearable as possible. But right now we can only reach 1 in 5 of those that need our help.

All funds raised from the sale of this artwork will go towards our vital work and help us reach more children and families in our local community.


Gatwick Detainees Welfare Group was set up in 1995 when the UK Immigration Service began to detain people at a small holding centre near Gatwick Airport. The following year, Tinsley House Detention Centre was built, and we became a registered charity. They work to improve the welfare and well-being of people held in detention, by offering friendship and support and advocating for fair treatment.

Whether a person has recently arrived in the UK or has been here for many years, the experience of detention is traumatic. People are held for indefinite periods which has a terrible impact on the mental health of those detained. Our volunteers undertake to visit one person weekly, helping to reduce their isolation, showing solidarity and acting as a contact with the outside world.

One of the greatest problems faced by people held indefinitely in immigration detention, is lack of access to good quality legal advice. Gatwick Detainees Welfare Group tries as far as possible to make appropriate referrals on behalf of detainees. By liaising with solicitors, or clarifying the legal process, they try to ensure that everyone they meet receives a fair hearing. They also help people make complaints where appropriate, and collate information, along with other visitors’ groups, with a view to improve the well-being of people in detention.


In England and Wales, 1 in 4 women experience domestic abuse during their lifetime and two women a week are killed by a current or former partner.

Refuge opened the world’s first refuge in Chiswick, West London, in 1971. Since then, it has grown to become the country’s largest single provider of specialist support to women and children escaping domestic abuse and other forms of gender-based violence. On any given day, Refuge supports more than 7,000 women and children.

Refuge’s national network of specialist services includes safe emergency accommodation through refuges in secret locations across the country; community-based outreach services; culturally specific services for women from South Asian, African and Caribbean, Middle Eastern, Eastern European and Vietnamese backgrounds; a modern slavery service; independent advocacy services for women at the highest risk of serious injury and homicide; a range of single point of access services for women, children and men across entire regions; and the Freephone 24 Hour National Domestic Abuse Helpline.

Registered charity number 277424.
A company limited by guarantee 1412276.


The Helen Bamber Foundation is a Human Rights Charity. They give Survivors of trafficking and torture the strength to move on. With an all-encompassing care for the whole journey, Survivors have the dignity, strength and freedom to live their lives to the fullest. Their care ensures survivors are free, healthy, safe, are protected from re-victimisation, detention and poverty. Their care guides survivors to recover following their experiences of trafficking and torture. Their care supports Survivors for their whole journey enabling constant and sustained recovery.

The Helen Bamber Foundation provide detailed and specialised care across six key areas for survivors of trafficking, torture and extreme human cruelty.
Their specialist teams of professionals provide therapy, medical advice, legal protection, housing and welfare, counter trafficking and help with integration into the community. 
This all-encompassing care ensures that Survivors heal, reclaim their independence and start living fully.


London Wildlife Protection is a volunteer-run animal welfare organisation which specialises in the rescue of injured, sick, young and trapped pigeons, doves, crows, magpies, jays and jackdaws in and around London and rescues and relocates nests, young birds and eggs when necessary. London Wildlife Protection also helps and advises in the rescue of other birds and animals in other areas of the UK. Their core values are to investigate and increase public awareness of animal abuse, educate the public, protect and promote animal welfare legislation, and offer non-lethal wildlife control.


Centrepoint has been supporting young people for over fifty years. Since starting out as a night shelter in 1969, their work with young people has become much more rounded – helping them to get healthy and stay healthy; to re-engage with education and training; to acquire important skills for life; to get into and stay in employment; and to move on into a home of their own. Over the past strategic period they have grown their impact to support nearly 20,000 young people a year, compared to 8,000 in 2015. With the establishment of the Centrepoint Helpline in 2017, the support they offer directly to young people spans the whole country, and more than half of the young people they support are outside of London.

Centrepoint are proud of the part they have played in giving homeless young people a future. But now they face new and even greater challenges. More than 100,000 young people approach their Local Authority every year because they are homeless or at risk. The gap between the number of houses needed to ensure everybody has a decent home and the stock of houses is over 1 million homes. Youth unemployment is rising at a greater rate as a result of the global pandemic. We are in a mental health crisis, with mental health issues reported in over half (54.1%) of homeless young people. Centrepoint is needed more than ever before.


Tanya Compass founded Exist Loudly in the summer of 2020 to create spaces of joy and community for Black LGBTQ+ youth in the UK.⁣

“Exist Loudly is a love letter to my younger self,” says Compass. “It’s a commitment to Black LGBTQ+ young people that there will be spaces for them to just exist, without minimizing their identity to feel safe, loved or cared for.”⁣

Black queer joy is revolutionary and Black queer community is a life line. This is why joy and community are at the heart of everything Exist Loudly does.


Koestler Arts is a leading UK prison arts charity. Koestler encourages people in the criminal justice system to change their lives by participating in the arts and sharing their artworks so that the public can witness this diverse range of voices, stories and talent. Their aim is to help offenders, secure patients and detainees lead more positive lives by motivating them to participate and achieve in the arts. They also work to increase public awareness and understanding of the arts by people in the criminal justice system.